Family Running Question
During 2020 we continued to receive emails and enquiries from people around the world. One particular email made a big impression and so we are sharing it with you.
One of our athletes during a past Conchman Triathlon [FILE]
I hope you’re having a great week so far! My name is Susan and I live at home with my husband and two kids, Jay and Michelle. We started off really strong with fitness routines and eating healthy in the beginning of the pandemic, but we’re starting to feel discouraged. I’m determined to get everyone motivated to turn the corner and get back on track! I hope it’s not too much of a bother, but I have a really cool family story to share.
The whole family definitely agrees that we need to get back on track and decided that we should all try running together! I told them I would be more than happy to find some helpful running resources to help us get started (we focused a lot on weight lifting in the beginning of the year!).
The GBPA Conchman Triathlon page was perfect in helping me find running info. We definitely are beginners, but hope to be able to run a marathon someday! Thank you so much for taking the time to make this page. It must be so helpful to so many individuals and families.
I didn’t expect Jay and Michelle to be so excited to take up running as a family, but they found a great shoe guide page! It explains what kind of shoe someone should look for based on what kind of running they plan to do. Here’s the link:
Do you think you would be able to add the link the kids found as an additional resource to the page? I’m really proud of them for taking the time to do some research on their own! I think it’s great that their putting in the effort to stay optimistic and healthy during this uncertain time too. (This time has been so difficult for my teenagers!).
Let me know what you think! I know it’s always so helpful for people to find quality information all in one place. I hope you find the link Jay and Michelle found helpful – they would love to see it as a new addition! :)
Thanks again for all of your help,
So fellow triathletes I urge you to follow the link when you are looking for your next pair of running shoes. You can keep up with all the hints posted on our website at
So keep training and smiling and we will come through it. Please get in touch through the website or on Facebook if you have anything to add.