Bahamian Glass Blower Creates Works of Art for Conchman Triathlon


FREEPORT, Grand Bahama -- Sidney Pratt, Grand Bahama's own glass blower, has been making the unique and highly-treasured Conchman Triathlon trophies for the last 30 years. He now has his shop in Port Lucaya where tourists are able to view and purchase hand-made Bahamian glass pieces.

Mr. Pratt's works of art are one of the reasons why so many overseas competitors keep returning to Grand Bahama to participate in the Conchman Triathlon each year, hoping to win one of his special glass trophies. No other triathlon event in the Caribbean can boast of such spectacular awards and in so many categories!

The trophies are presented to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place overall male and female winners of the Sprint and Olympic distance races. The top 3 in each age group of the Sprint distance also receive a lovely glass treasure.Sidney has again outdone himself this year with this beautiful trophy for 2018's event, held on November 3 at Taino Beach. On the base of a conch shell Sidney has mounted a turtle, many of which can be seen swimming in the waters around Grand Bahama.